Jim, Louann ( better know to all of us as Muchkin!)and John. John and I had the best 2 out of three against these two this morning. That's Annie on the court.
Munchkin and Jim back in the picture with me and Paul. Paul and I didn't get to play together today, but generally we partner up a lot.
Two more of the ladies - Carolyn (when she's not playing pickleball she's line dancing!), and "I'm from New York" Maria. Marie sometimes plays over at Pimlico with Rich.
The group waiting for an open court. There are only four courts at this rec center. The lines are VERY short today. The other day we lined up almost to the door. They tell us that in the winter - the lines go OUT the door. 

This is Stanley and Tom. Both of these guys are at the courts early in the morning.
That's Tom again with Sandy.
One of my favorite couples that play here - Paul and Roberta. Paul is generally one of the very first to the courts and Roberta always arrives later after she's walked the dog!
And this is Jim and Jeanne.
There were a lot of the regulars that were not there to play today, and I missed saying good-bye. So if any of you are reading this...Thanks for the great pickleball summer, will miss you! Irv and Charlie, Linda and Tony, Diane and Dick, Mary, Mary, Jane and Walt, Janet, Karen, Jim, Bobby.............I know I've forgotten someone!