And so the drama begins..... We headed for Orlando on Thursday April 18th for my surgery (heart 💓catheter). We left for Cardiology Consultants in Orlando at 7:00AM and didn't get home until after 8:00PM. It was just under 2 1/2 hourse one way! The surgery itself went very well, and very quickly, but in recovery, I did experience a Hemotoma, followed by what they call a Vagal Response, which was pretty spooky and had about 5 people working to stop my nausea, get me elevated, start oxygen, and saline solution.........while still trying to keep pressure on the hemotoma! Fortunately they had it under control quickly.........before the back starts to cramp and you lose consciousness! BUT Good news is that the problems I am having are NOT caused by my heart. Small amounts of calcium buildup/blockage......Heart is in great shape for my age!. Below is picture of surgical office in Orlando, and Dr. van den Berg's office here in Sebring. And that is an exact replica of the surgery table.

Post surgery: ride home in a reclined position... remain in a reclined position for the next two days - get up only to walk to the bed or go to bathroom. No lifting, no bending - pretty much do nothing for 5 days except to take a shower! Rich was great.... and waited on me hand and foot - fixing meals, washing dishes, making bed, making coffee..... and just making sure I was comfortable and in need of nothing!
Thank you to everyone who sent prayers, checked in on me, sent get well wishes, flowers or food, or stopped by to visit. You are all very special!
And then it was EASTER!
Plans were to spend Easter Sunday with Nathan and Krystal at their house.... but
I was just not feeling up to it at all..........and unfortunately we had to cancel. Rich fixed Chicken and Baked potato for our dinner! I had fixed him a small Easter Basket a few days before.....
On Monday, after Easter, I had an appointment at Encore in Sebring, to get my CPAP machine, and learn how to use it/set it up.... I've used it for three nights
now. Needless to say I do not like it. They tell me after a few weeks it will get better.........I sure hope so!
The one good thing about these newer ones, is that they are not as noisy.
The next couple of days was enjoying all of God's creatures.... and Rich captured some pretty good pictures.
We continue to watch the Blue Heron..But what was three babies is not just two. These two 22 day old Blue Herons forced their sibling out of the nest several days ago.... and Mom just watched it happen!!! So instead of watching three babies fly away to be on their own.. it will only be two. I think they are a couple of bullies!!
The Ash Throated Flycatcher's are back and appear to be nesting in the bird house out back..........stopping from time to time on the back deck or sliders.
AND.... Rich spotted a green iguana down near the boat dock. "Wildlife officers say green iguanas are one of Florida's most destructive invasive species destroying shrubs, trees, fruit and and landscape plants. Generally they are not a threat to people or pets. The reptiles are expanding north into Sarasota and Manatee Counties. They are not a threat to people or pets!"
And now they are right here in Highlands County - in our back yard.
And today.......Bob and Lavern stopped by! Bob has one more doctor's appt. and if he get's the OK - they will be heading north to Ohio for the summer. It was so nice of them to stop by and say good-bye before they left. Always keep you laughing!