I'm still on the eye drops - and just one more week to go! Then I need to get to the optometrist to get my reading glasses ordered. Tomorrow is another trip to Sebring for follow-up, so it will most likely be dining out night as well.
Rich has continued to do repairs on the wall in the bathroom, and yesterday finished those areas with the speckling. And no, that is not new modern art on the wall over the sink.....We got that huge mirror off the wall, without breaking it, and it is safely stored in the bedroom with all the other remodel stuff!
Our view across the canal has changed significantly! The lot was very overgrown, and during the last hurricane, several trees were down, some partially in the canal. Owners of the lot live in Miami, and have not, since we moved here taken care of this property, and as such had become a fire hazard, it was reported,the owners notified..................and their decision? They did not even come to LOOK at the property. They were so upset with neighbors complaining, that they hired a crew to come and CLEAR the lot...... take down EVERY tree!! So no instead of trees.....we get to see an ugly lot and housed across the canal a block away.

Rich has been finding recipes on line and spending a lot more time in the kitchen...... and I'm not complaining! It's fun working together..... I get everything out he needs, and clean up the mess........and he does the rest.
This week our neighbor knocked at the door.......and delivered a fresh pineapple out of his yard. Delicious! Rich found a new pizza crust recipe this week, and so we enjoyed a ground beef and pepperoni pizza!! I did a big pot of potato soup, and another night some delicious Oven Baked Barbecue Home Style Ribs!
And yesterday Rich made another batch of his Peanut-butter candy.
Started my Christmas lists.....and got a few things ordered for family yesterday. Time just seems to flying by soooo fast. I'm planning Thanksgiving here with friends, and then trying to figure out what we'll do when Dennis & Crystal visit in December.
Probably won't be updating for a while......so