We both retired in May of 2006. For the first 6 years we were avid RV'ers and addicted to the game of Pickleball. In September of 2013 we sold the RV and bought a house on the canal to Lake June in Lake Placid, FL where we continue to meet new people and make new friends. Fishing is our favorite past-time now. THANK YOU to our families and friends, old and new, for making our retirement the best chapter in our life so far.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Jury Duty - Not This Time

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Baseball Champions!
Chauna: Davenport East Kiwanis won 5-4.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Dinner with the Greenfields
On Friday evening we met Greenie and Kathy again for dinner. This time at Red Sauce, a nice Italian Restaurant in the Lake Sumter Landing Town Center. We'd been here with them a year ago, and the meals were very good. They were having dinner specials this week for $7.99. Rich had not a thing to eat except a donut at Dunkin Donuts that morning, so he asked how much smaller the portions were for the specials. The waitress said that the portions were probably about half the normal size. So Rich elected to stay with the FULL portion. He and Greenie did the Speghetti and MeatBalls, and Kathy and I did the Fettuchini. I opted for the Primavera with the vegatable - but was not pleased with the meal at all. Everyone else's was OK. They really should tell you if they are going to put mushrooms in your meal.............Or maybe I should have known when they said vegatables. But then again I've never had peas in my Primavera either.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Shopping Today!
I woke Rick Monday morning, a little later than normal and fell back asleep. He met up with the guys and gals at Pimlico. Early in the afternoon the rains came and it rained the rest of the day. It has been so hot for several days, and the clouds have rolled in and threatened most every day, but we've seen no rain. So when it rained that afternoon it was very welcome. The best part was that the temperatures dropped to comfortable levels.
Monday evening, Rich was going to help Mo with his clinic over at Churchill Street - but that didn't happen because of the weather.
On Tuesday after Rich returned from playing we decided to take the golf cart and go shopping that afternoon. Mo had told Rich about a place to purchase New Balance Shoes on line for a VERY reasonable price so we were going to head for Bealls to try on the New Balance and see what size fit the best. Since I have not been able to get out and about with my back, Rich decided to treat me to lunch out before we did our shopping chores. So we headed out to Steak and Shake again for lunchy then on to Bealls and then grocery shopping.
Remember - we are in The Villages - and you can go anywhere in your golf cart. So we were off.
This road is Wedgewood Lane, which runs parrallel to SR 466. This road is for both automobile and golf cart traffic. Wedgeood Lane provides access to all the stores in the Buffalo Lake Shopping Center. Buffalo Lake still has a lot under construction, but right now it hosts. Bealls, Super Wallmart, McDonald, Golden Corrall, Tires Plus, Steak and Shake and more restaurants like Olive Garden and Red Lobster.
Like most of The Villages the landscaping is very well manicured. Here we take our turn off Wedgewood Lane to go to Bealls.
As you can see - Bealls sits way back. So I'm sure that more stores will be occupying this space before too long.

Arrived home without incident, and the storm passed. NOT A DROP!!!! You just never know about this Florida weather! After dinner, Rich came in from outstide and said he could hear pickleball down at Churchill. Now we are about three city blocks from the courts - but you can hear the PING of the ball very clearly. He took the golfcart and headed down to see who was playing. After about 15 mintues, I jumped on the bike and took a ride down.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
This year was a new shirt to wear on the pickleball courts. Definately white, which is a must in the summer heat and light weight that dries quickly! A new pickleball glove and of a giant Hershey Bar for his sweet tooth. Instead of a card this year I went on-line and printed up a Father's Day Medal Award complete with a picture of Denny.
This morning we were not playing pickleball, and instead headed for the Laural Manor Rec Center where people were gathering to meet Steve Wong. Steve is one of the top ranked National Pickleball Players. He is 32 years old, has been playing pickleball for 10 years and introduced the S-Type Pickleball Paddle, which can be purchased at http://www.stypesports.com/ . He was the former "webmaster" for the USAPA pickleball site and sat on the Board as VP. He and his family reside in Sammamush, WA and were in Florida on a Disney Vacation for the week.
It was still morning - so Rich suggested we do a trip to Wal-Mart to pick up some glue and wrap for both his and my paddle and stop somewhere for lunch while we were out. But first we needed to stop at Dunkin Donuts to meet up with the 11:00 crew. Not a big group today, maybe eight or nine. We sat outside for just under an hour. Conversation led to the demo with Mo and Steve, and then Golf Cart Joe brought out his daily "trivia" questions. Since we were going for lunch from here, it was just coffee. (Except for Rich - it was coffee and a chocolate glazed donut).
His request for our evening dinner was for either Ham or Roast Beef, so I started the preparation for Ham, Scalloped Potato and Green Bean Casserole.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A Golf Cart Ride to Breakfast
We took the golf cart today - so I'll show you the way back to our villa!
Leaving the parking we travel a short road shared by both golf cart and automobile travelers, and take a left which will take us to SR 466, one of the main east/west roads that crosses The Villages. (Golfcart) traffic was quite heavy today as you can see as we enter, and exit, the tunnel that crosses under SR 466 and as we continue to follow Belvedere.
Continuing along Belevedere we take a right on Ansel, a right on Due West, and a right onto Churchill Street.
Next stop is at the Lynnhaven Pool. No we're not stopping to take a dip, but to check the mail. There are neighborhood pools like this one throughout The Villages, and several of them include post office boxes for residents within that particular Village. Like everywhere else here, the landscaping is always well manicured.Heading back down Churchill Street we come to the Churchill Street Recreation Center, where Jeanne and I play pickleball most every morning. Churchill is not as elaborate as Pimlico, and we only have four pickleball courts here, while Rich enjoys eight courts at Pimlico. Tuesday night is Bingo here.
We'll take Livingston Loop to Souther Oaks.........
Where we enter the South Oak Villas - which for right now, we'll call our temporary vacation home..............Dennis Haskins AKA "Mr Belding" from Saved by the Bell with our dauthter-in-law, Crystal and grandkids, Dalton and Chauna at a QC River Bandits game in Davenport, IA.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dinner with Mo and Jeanne
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Unwanted Free Time!
The weather here has been almost unbearable. Here in the Tampa/The Villages area we continue to break records for temperatures and heat index with temperatures in the high 90's and heat index well over 100. We've had a number of people getting ill, either with dehydration or just exhaustion. We called 911 the one day when my partner went down, and despite putting his legs up, the ice and cold compresses, we couldn't get the heart rate down. A few of the ladies have been escorted home by fellow players, because of exhaustion. The Villages has water on the courts every day for all the players, but in this heat you really need to bring the sports drinks, like Gatorade, to get the electrolites back in the system.
Rich and I have managed to keep well hydrated, so we've been able to cope with the weather. But Rich continues to have problems with the feet. The toes, where the surgery was done, are doing great! No pain at all. But now he is getting a lot of tingling and burning on the Both Feet! It's not constant. Generally OK in the morning, or after resting for a while. He can play four games or so and then it gets pretty bad. The doctor (Podiatrist) called in a prescription for him, but it doesn't seem to be relieving the problem. You know Rich - even the pain won't keep him off the courts. He still goes out and plays, even if its just four or five games.
Me? I was even out line dancing for about three hours on Tuesday aftern0on after playing pickleball in the morning.....But even I am out of commission now. Yesterday my opponent, trying to pull me off the court to set up a shot sent a ball low and to the outside of the court to my forehand side. I bent, stretched, and in an effort to return the ball cross court, twisted quickly to the left as I hit the ball. Made a great shot..........but pulled a muscle or something in my back! Had to quit in the middle of the game. Made it home on the bicycle and then iced it several times during the day. Was sore, but didn't seem to bad when I went to bed for the night. BUT!!!! It took me about 10 minutes to maneuver my way out of bed this morning and walk about 10 steps to the bathroom! Pretty painful..........but after getting up and around and moving a little bit, it is much more bearable. No pickleball or dancing for a while............
And no senior citizen comments (Mark!) We both refuse to say (or believe) we're getting older.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Donna Hit's the Big 60
Not a big group out this morning, so very little time to sit out between games. By 9:30 I was exhausted............actually I was anxious to get the rest of the day started! We always celebrate birthdays , but usually it's a small gift and dinner out or with close friends. I did do a super surprise party for Rich on his 60th though!! But the plans for today could not be more perfect.
When I awoke this morning, Rich had left my Birthday Card strategically placed close to the coffee pot, knowing that would be my first stop. I opened the card - even before I poured my coffee.........to learn that today would be a trip to DownTown Disney......................for the 6:00 pm performance of Cirque Du Soleil, La Nouba ! Category One, Preferred Seating - Section 203 - Center Stage! I was on Cloud Nine!!!! I have wanted to see this performance for so long, and we had talked about it several times................I was so surprised!
So why is there a picture of this Chinese Buffett? Well our plans were to leave mid afternoon and have dinner before the show, and since it was my Birthday - it was my choice of restaurants. Orlando; Downtown Disney. I thought about a few of our favorites, like Macaroni Grill, Red Lobster.........or some new and exciting places like Crab Harbor or the Rainforest Cafe....but I got on line to find a Chinese Buffett that was on our way...........and so so we stopped here. It was just five minutes from Downtown Disney, the prices a little higher than normal - but the food was excellent!
And then we arrived at Cirque Du Soleil. Unfortunately they do not allow any type of flash photography during the performance so I can't share any of those great moments. Needless to say the show was even better than I had anticipated. While the lighting and the stage effects enhanced the performance, it could not begin to compare with the phenominal talent of the performers. Here is a link to the Cirque De Soleil Website with a trailer of the performance we saw. La Nouba
After the show we walked the park a bit. Can not imagine what this place is like when all the 'snow birds' are here, because the place was hopping with music and dancing and shows and lots and lots of people! So unlike me not to have pictures to share. Just these two. Despite the fact that I am fearful of heights, that hot air balloon just might be a good way to celebrate another birthday??? On the way out we had to stop just once more; I heard the music and saw the group out dancing the "Cuban Shuffle".
And then we shuffled on back to the car for the ride back home.....................And stopped at McDonalds for a milk shake!!!
Pickleball....Line Dancing.........Chineese Buffett.... Cirque Du Soleil and such a great guy to share it all with? Doesn't get any better.
Thank you, Rich!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Bad Weather - Good Friends
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday Night at the Races
At 5:00 the crowd began to arrive. There were several of the pickleball players from Churchill and Pimlico there. Everyone brought a dish to pass along with their favorite beverage for the evening. We were met at the door by Mo where we could place our bets on the race. All bets were $5. The only difference was that you didn't get to choose your horse!!!! I mean - come on - what fun would that be. You also were given a lottery ticket for the "$million" drawing at 11:00 that evening.
After some social gathering everyone took to the kitchen to fill their plates. The food was excellent. No - there were not any eclairs for Rich, but he found some real good home made treats( brownies, cheescake, chocolate chip cookies etc.) that were even better.
After dinner everyone started to gather around the TV as the horses took to the field and then to the gates. My horse was First Dude (named after Sarah Palin's nickname for her husband!). His odds going into the race were 7-2 - so my chances looked real good. Now, what you need to understand is that the payout tonight was to both the first place winner AND the LAST place horse. Rich had the number 10 horse, Stay Put. With a name like that and odds at 20-1 we were looking real good for taking first AND last.
As you notice, I did not get a picture of the screaming, cheering crowds during the race. That's because my horse, First Dude took the lead out of the gate. He was in front all the way...........until the last lap!! As you probably know by now, Drosselmeyer took over the lead and won the race. But First Dude was a Runner UP!!!
When the race was over - all the Drosselmyer winners fled to the table to collect their winnings. First place paid $50.

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Where are all of our Pickleball Friends?
Today we received an e-mail and some pictures from Tom and Karen Wolf. (That's Tom and Karen above with their absolutely beautiful Dalmation!) They spent most of the winter here in Florida back and forth betweeen Orlando and Wauchula, and if you remember, Karen and I partnered up for the Heartland Senior Games.
Over the Memorial Day weekend they were in Chesapeake Bay, VA along witha lot of other players from Peace River - Nate and his family, Tracy and Jim, Jack and Diane, Diane's brother and his wife and Ken and Faye. She said "The preserve held a pickleball tournament. Austin and I were partners, played 4 games and won 1st place!! The semi-final game was against Diane & Jack, a real close game but we prevailed. "
Here are some more pictures she sent! You pickleball players are sure to see some familiar faces.
A Group Picture of the all the Tournament Players, above.
One of the nicest families we met were the Showalters. Here is Crystal and her partner, Diana, Austin, Daryl (Nate's Partner) and Nate.
The Championship match was between Bracket winners Jack and Diane (The Happy Hour Queen!)..........who took second place AND