One of the very best things about RV'ing is the people you meet. The next best thing is getting together with all of them for a Happy Hour.
On Wednesday evening we were invited over to Dean and Margie's. A little later than normal - we were not arriving until AFTER the dinner hour. So at 6:00 pm everyone was to bring finger foods and gather for some conversation and entertainment.
Below is the group gathered around the campfire at site B-12. From top left:
Dee and Rich and Karen, Margie, Rosemary and Garth, Justin, Dennis and his wife and Art (seated), Margie and Dean cooking hot dogs and Dee taking pictures! Rene ( hidden) and Mira, Lavern and Bob the Clown and Lee and Judy. Lat picture is Lou and Carol (hidden), Wow! can't remember his name either, but that's his wife Wilma, and there is Rene!

The food was excellent. Afterwards we were all entertained. Garth and Rosemary had brought their guitars with them and sand a medley of songs including the Pickleball Song, The RV song, and one of our favorites that Garth wrote about him and his father. The clowns (Bob and Lavern - out of costume tonight) did a skit for us and later did a few jokes along with Dee and Garth and Dennis!
On Thursday we were invited to John and Rosa's to celebrate Janet and Archie's birthdays. Another beautiful evening and some new faces tonight. Pictured below, starting top left and going clockwise: The ladies: Tonyia, Janet, Donne, Rosa, Hedy, and Pat in the back. The guys: John, Art, Larry, Nick (standing), Woody and Archie. Everyone enjoying the food! And the bottom right is Mo(nique) and Judy!

Mostly finger foods again tonight - and three of us brought deviled eggs!!!! But there were meatballs, a rice dish, pecan tarts, little smokies, and a delicious liverwurst and cream cheese log with crackers.... After eating we all gathered around the campfire.
Rosa made a delicious cake for Archie and Janet, and Hedy brought a Caravel Ice Cream Cake........We had missed Rosa's birthday last month. It was great to see her out and about and enjoying the evening after her recent emergency.
Below Archie, Rosa and Janet blow out the candles.
Enjoyed the cake, talked for a LONG time, got a few mosquito bites and headed for home.