She is making herself right at home.
OK Uncle Rich........I'm ready for a little play time.............
OK Uncle Rich - times up. I'm coming up there...... One stop on the belly and then on up to the back. You're having way too much fun!
We both retired in May of 2006. For the first 6 years we were avid RV'ers and addicted to the game of Pickleball. In September of 2013 we sold the RV and bought a house on the canal to Lake June in Lake Placid, FL where we continue to meet new people and make new friends. Fishing is our favorite past-time now. THANK YOU to our families and friends, old and new, for making our retirement the best chapter in our life so far.
Thank you again for keeping her!!! I miss her so much. She would have hated all the snow here though. We keep joking that she'd probably have exploded because she wouldn't want to pee outside in the snow. She isn't going to want to come home after two weeks with her favorite Aunt and Uncle!