Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving with Friends

Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving with special friends.  Actually this has become somewhat of a yearly tradition....and so it's day we look forward to.

But the preparations began about a week ago with the customary grocery shopping, especially that Turkey that needs time in fridge to thaw!  And then Tuesday, was dessert preparation day.  I made up a batch of peanut butter cups, knowing that Krystal could not eat pie.... and, of course Rich made his pumpkin pie!  And by Wednesday evening there was one lone piece left..... ( I had one small piece, and Rich finished the first pie Thursday for lunch)

Nathan and Krystal arrived first on Thanksgiving Day along with Miss Ava!  And they brought Rich and I a HUGE bottle of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey..... along with a bottle of cream soda.  The drinks were excellent...... I had TWO!  Buddy and Dianne arrived about a half hour later (and the ramp that Rich put together worked perfectly for Dianne).... and the chatter, conversation, laughter, picture taking and getting ready to eat began.  Ava kept here eye on what was going on in the kitchen... patiently waiting for Rich to drop a piece of the turkey he was carving.

The menu included: Turkey (of course) Herb stuffing (in the bird) and Sausage stuffing (in the oven),Mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce,  Buddy & Dianne brought the Green Bean Casserole, dinner rolls and pumpkin bread, and Nathan and Krystal brought the Sweet Potato Casserole, Corn and Cinnamon cake/rolls for dessert.  Buddy gave thanks....and needless to say........everything was delicious!

Dennis called early afternoon.  The family usually goes to friends home for Thanksgiving. But Dennis has been under the weather, and not feeling well, so he decided to stay home rest and take a nap.  As did the two dogs, Laia and Zoey.  They joined Dennis on the couch!😊

Staying home for Black Friday.........probably do some Christmas Shopping on line today................OR, maybe I get started on Christmas decorations......

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