February has been a month of Covid-19 Shots, Celebrations, and replacing what is broken!
Seems like forever, that we were waiting to get notified of our appointment for our shots. We got on line the very first day the site was open (which was in January!), but finally were able to make it happen . We both got our first shot on February 4th! A little soreness the next morning but nothing serious.
February 4th was also the first time since we moved here to Florida that we have seen this much frost on the ground. I know it's nothing like we we had up north - but I thought it was beautiful!
And, of course, everyone celebrated Valentines Day on the 14th! Candy, homemade cards and a BIG chocolate chip Cookie with Red icing trim!
On the 17th we celebrated Rich's Birthday! Thanks to friends and family who sent cards, or telephoned with birthday wishes, or posted on Facebook....He did get some new binoculars! And he had is favorite....Whip Cream Cake with fruit filling!
Our Grand-daughter, Chauna and her "husband to be" Ryan.....have set a date for their marriage. So we are looking forward to our trip to Iowa.... and then a couple hour trip to Illinois, where the event will take place...........More to come!!!Beautiful Couple.............
We still have more events this month!!! Next was our Anniversary Celebration.
It was 51 years ago that Rich Donald asked if he could give me a ride home, and the day I met my best friend, the man I would spend the rest of my life with and love forever. One the 23rd of February, we celebrated our 47th Wedding Anniversary! We still stand together hand in hand, work together, and trust in our journey. We have been blessed with a beautiful, loving family and so many forever memories. Here are just a few of those memories.
Moving right along...................Two days after our Wedding Anniversary, is Dennis' Birthday. So our celebration was over the phone that day! But below is the family at his Birthday Dinner. On the left: Brianna, Dalton, Chauna......and on the right Dennis,Crystal and Ryan! What an awesome and beautiful crew!!

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