Saturday, July 3, 2021

Kinda Wish I was Back Home!!!

 And so we are now in week FIVE................ And all I can really say is:   It's been COLD, It's been mostly raining or storming, or extremely WINDY............and the fishing has been the worst EVER, here on Black Lake.  Always our favorite place to be.  Normally the time flies, and we are not ready to head for home.  Not so this year.   AND

Not sure why - but probably because of the COVID situation,  Log Cabins has removed all of the mattress covers in the cabins, and replaced them with PLASTIC that zips around all sides of the mattress. Have you ever sleeped on plastic!   Even with the sheets it is HOT and uncomfortable..........and the plastic wrinkles!! 

So - a few memorable moments,,,

We celebrated my Birthday!  Original plans were to head to Ogdensburg for dinner..........but I just was not in the mood.....So we ordered dinner from Echo's on the Lake( Ibu,,,, Pizza with sausage & pepperoni ( it was excellent!!!) Onion Rings, and a Coconut Birthday Cake!  And we also had a good Father's Day. Rich cooked the Strip Steaks on the Grill, while I prepared the Baked Potatoes and Baked Asparagus.  The Steak was absolutely excellent, absolutely delicious!

And we had company!   Gary and Karen Tombasco.  Met these two several years ago while staying at Roger's Camps here on  Black Lake.  We always make plans to get together at least one, while we are all staying at the Lake.  Sometimes it dinner, sometimes they visit us, sometimes we visit them, and sometimes we head down to Rogers and join the group at the BonFire.  Great couple.  Wish we were able to see them more often. 

I think it was in our first week, or maybe the beginning of our second week the the weather reared its; nasty face!!!  Windy, rainy, cold, white caps on the lake.  Just very very nasty.  And yet there are always those who venture out, even when they shouldn't.  No  we don't know the people in this boat!!!  Unfortunately - The wind and rain and pretty cold weather has reared its head much more often than we've liked.  Too many days having to stay in, check facebook, do Suduko Puzzels or watch TV!!

It was not until June 28th, that someone finally caught a fish bigger than 10 3/4 inches.  Yes it was Rich.  He pulled in a 38", 12.5 lb Bo Fin (Dog Fish).  Really really NICE!  He probably should have kept the fish.  Several people on the Black Lake Facebook page mentioned that it may have been the largest (length) in NY State. 

And - as you can see, even that day the water was rough, lots of big waves

And YES.........we've had a few more days that look like this from the front portch at the cottage. Rain, so hard that you could not even see across the lake at all.  Yes it was COLD - I'm a Florida Flip Flop Girld.....but I needed to add the socks to keep warm.  Picture on the bottom right is after the storm. 

That's all Folks!

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