Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tree Trimming Day Goes to the Birds!

The winter weather really took a toll on the yard while we were away this winter, and little by little we've been getting it back in shape. We've pulled all the weeds,cleared and pulled the plants damaged by the winter frost, pruned and raked......and yesterday was trimming the queen palms and the robalini palm in the front yard.

Believe it or not......we had only cut down about half of what needed to be done, but the sun was hot and the tongues were it was time for a break. We filled two large lawn bags with the smaller stuff than Rich cut the branches into 4ft lengths before we tied them into about 8 bundles. Wish you could have seen us tying the the wind started to blow, then thunder, then the rain.....

But then it's back to relaxing on the lanai. Tonight we were making Calzones and Rich had just lit the grill. As we sat talking, two of our neighborhood sand hill cranes wandered into the back yard.
They continuted to wander a little while and then made their way just outside the screened lania. I went out into the yard and they continued toward me and then stopped just a few feet away.
You often see the sand hill cranes in the area and frequently have to stop you car as your driving through the neighborhood, as they slowly make their way across the roads. As we continued to watch, this one decided it was time to clean himself (or scratch and itch!!).

Meanwhile this one was looking for his supper and continued to search for bugs or worms in the grass.
After several minutes......they went on their way. They are such beautiful birds.

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