Friday, August 17, 2012

A Little Bit of a Scare.......

With the exception of seeing our friends  and anticipating the arrival of more friends -  it's been a pretty ugly week for me.  I already told you about the hamstring pull.

A week or so ago I started getting some pain under my left arm - and the pain then spread to the chest area.  Tuesday was bad, Wednesday was worse and by Thursday morning it was getting pretty uncomfortable.  So I called and made an appointment with the doctor for 9:45 that morning.  It was the regular chest x-ray,  an EKG.  The obvious was that it was the heart - a sudden angina attack - so it was an aspirin and a dose of Nitroglycerin Spray under the tongue to dilate the blood vessels.   A little relief -  so we scheduled some blood work and a stress test - and about this time the pain worsened - into the shoulder area and some slight tingling of the left arm!!!

The next thing I heard was call an ambulance - she's going to the hospital NOW!!  I argued - to no avail......( I was worried because I had the car and Rich was home ....................How inconvenient!!) But the paramedics arrived and I  had my very first ambulance ride experience - the IV - the oxygen - another EKG - and lots of questions.

Nine hours later and three or four more sprays of Nitro ------I was nestled in my hospital bed for the evening. Rich was able to get our neighbor to drive him to to doctors office to get the car and then made his way to the hospital.   The night was as expected.   You feel like crap and can't get any sleep between the pills , the blood work and the blood pressure.

Good news this morning allowed me to be discharged and to go home.  The believe that the pain is caused by something called Costochondritis - which is an inflammation of the cartilage area that  connects the rib to the breastbone or sternum.  While the cause is not positive - he believe this was caused by a respiratory viral infection or from trauma to the area like a strain of coughing. It should go away by itself - I just need to take 600 mill. of ibuprofen a couple of times, or as needed for the pain.

Kidding Rich today - he missed his opportunity to get even with me........He could have got some really ugly photos of me - but forgot the camera!

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