Monday, August 26, 2019

Down at the boathouse...... and then dinner with friends

Well I've been taking it easy most every day since the pulled calf muscle.  It's been six days now, and I'm still icing it, and I still have to be careful..... turning it the wrong way really really hurts!  I did get out today though, ( wearing sneakers for a little more support) and made a stop at Walgreens and the to Publix for groceries.

Funny.... as I was walking through Publix I passed this elderly gentlemen in almost every isle.  We chatted a little bit and laughed that we kept running into each other......the last time in the dairy isle where he informed me that he didn't need any cheese.  As I was taking my groceries from the cart at check out,    I looked up and..... yes the gentleman was in front of me, and proceeded to tell  the cashier that " this young lady has been stalking me today......"  Of course everyone laughed.... and the gentleman left.  The bagger helped me to the car today, and yes...... who was parked right next to me?  We all got quite a laugh once again when he said " I can't believe this, don't tell me you live in Grassy Lakes too  !"   And that should end our close encounters... as I do not!!!

On Thursday, Rich headed out to the boathouse to do some repair and replace some shingles on the boathouse roof.  I always get pretty nervous with him, and heights, and a bad back.......... and with my leg still wrapped there was no way I would make it down the hill and back.  So I watched from the back deck!  I was a nervous wreck.......and so glad when the whole ordeal was over!!!

Whew ! He's 70 years old.....and in this intense heat!

And on Saturday the crew was back to our favorite meeting place for dinner.  Nathan, Krystal, Buddy and Dianne.... at the Hibachi Grill.  As always the food was excellent, the company terrific, and the laughter almost non-stop!

Tomorrow - probably a little baking, and rest the leg.  Wednesday is appointment with the Ophthalmologist, for visual field,  pre-work and scheduling my cataract surgery.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The past two weeks

Time sure does fly ...... and sometimes it's NOT all fun! 

So after being gone so long to NY -  returning home means a whole lot of work to catch up on. .  Most of it is outdoor/yard work, and this time of year you have to try to guess when the humidity is going to be bearable, or the rain and thunderstorms will hold off long enough for you to get a little bit done!

Yard waste is picked up every other Tuesday.... so we got quite a bit done over the past two weeks.... hedges and bushes in both the front and back yard done, Palm branches cut in the back yard , and a ton of weeds pull in the corner near the water from the firecracker bushes. Spraying done for weeds ( after we pulled a lot of the longer/taller ones. We tied two bundles of palm branches, a garbage pail of palm buds/beads and pods, and 4 bags of weeds a trimmings from bushes/hedges.   We still have the bushes along both sides of the house to finish, and once the rainy season is mostly over, power washing to be done.

While the dock/ boathouse is looking pretty good.. we still have that nest to remove.  We did a run into Sebring to Lowes and picked up a pack of roofing tiles.  Rich has them all cut down to size, ready to replace those that blew off during the storm. 

But it hasn't all been work!  We fixed some pretty good meals this past couple of weeks....  Ham & Scalloped Potatoes,  Macaroni N Cheese, Potato Soup, Meatball Subs, Chicken w/Honey Mustard and Beer Sauce, Pizza, Manicotto & Meatballs, Burgers on the Grill, Homestyle BBQ Ribs w/ Beans & Sweet Potatoes, and Rich made is absolutely delicious Potato Candy.  Yes - I enjoy my time in the kitchen!

And this past Monday we met up with friends, Buddy and Dianne at the Golden Corral here in Lake Placid.   So sad to see that Dianne's poor health issues are progressing, and that she can no longer walk.........We pray for her every day.  It was great seeing them again.......and we enjoyed both their company and the good food!  The four of us will be joining Nathan & Krystal in a few days at our hangout - Hibachi Grill!

And then............last evening around 7:00 PM......walking back to the family room to watch the ballgame.........Rich was planted in the doorway, ( I thought he was still out on the back lanai!) as a rounded the corner. He scared me!!  I screamed and moved Too Quickly.......pulling or tearing my calf muscle!  OMG.... it hurt like (you know what!).    But he took good care of me, getting the ice, and the ACE Bandage, and making me a temporary cane to help me walk.   It really, really hurt!.........But today it's feeling better.  Not walking  too good, and it will probably be a week or so before I do...........but feeling better just the same!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

So.... been home for a week!!

This week has gone by sooooooo  fast.  It was a week ago today that we were pulling into the driveway.......turning the water and water heater back on, turning the air conditioner down to cool things off........checking everything out..... unloading the car, and unpacking boxes and suitcases! 

We had stopped at the grocery store, just to make sure we had something for dinner when we got we didn't need to go back out.  It was Turkey Pot Pies for Rich,  2 Chicken, Cheese and Broccoli Hot Pockets for me. A loaf of bread  and some bagles for breakfast the next day or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch the next day....

Friday was full blown grocery shopping - stocking up the refrigerator and cupboards... and spent $276!!!  But we had some good dinners!  And I made a couple dozen chocolate chunk cookies so Rich would have some dessert. And Saturday and Sunday was doing all the dirty laundry and bedding we brought home............and starting to get yard work done...

Neighbors, Jim and Patty, said that in late July we had a wicked storm....."with strong winds.  It appeared almost to look like a hurricane.  There were huge whitecaps on the canal."  
And Phil ( who can see our boathouse from across the canal) let us know that we had lost some shingles off the boathouse roof. 

But we also learned that the Iguana like our back yard and dock.  ( and a pretty green grasshopper, and our black snake.!  We've seen two of the three almost every is really quite large.  And we're pretty sure that it was them that got into our last three pineapples!  Not good..... understand that it is OK to kill they can do a lot of damage to your yard, seawall and docks.  But obviously we can use a gun in the back yard!  So will probably call the county to see if they can set up a trap in the yard.

Been in touch with our friends Nathan and Krystal, and with Buddy and Dianne....and we've set up a couple of get togethers.... one at Hibachi for the 6 of us, and one here at the Golden Corral, with Buddy and Dianne next week.  It's been a while.......will be good to see them again.

Happy Anniversary, Dennis and Crystal

August 4, 2019, Dennis and Crystal celebrated their 29th Wedding Anniversayr!    

Some pictures shared ...........And I just loved the message from Crystal to Dennis.  So I'm sharing it here so I don't lose it!!

Happy 29th anniversary to an amazingly wonderful best friend, light of my life, beat of my heart, and not to mention incredibly gorgeous man!! There's no one I'd rather have sharing my life journey than YOU!! I look forward to many more years together by your side. I truly love you immensely!! 

Dennis has Right Hip Replacement

For some time now, our son Dennis has had problems with both his back and his right hip.  Visits to the VA..... determined that surgery was necessary, and after several visits with different doctors, the decision was made... that the hip needed to be taken care of before the back.

On August 1st he headed to the Iowa City VA Hospital. On the road just after 5:00AM.  Crystal took the day off from work, and his step Dad, Jack flew in to stay with him for a few days after the surgery.  And he had so many family and friends thinking of him, praying for him, and sending well wishes!    We kept in touch by phone with Crystal throughout the day for updates, and Rich got to talk with him that evening.   He was out of surgery just after noon and Doctors reported that all went very well.   Here's what he had to say.............

Alive. Thanks everyone, nap.time! 💓

Ok not doing too bad. Surgery took over 3 hrs & then anesthesia recovery was quick & in room little after noon. Eating good, plenty of meds, company & great staff! I was able to walk with Walker to hallway & back & standing ok. I've heard I did & doing really great & may be released to home about noon tomorrow. 
I keep dosing on & off.


I'm home! Passed all my tests to be released. With walker, walked hallway, climb some stairs, stood solo each leg, got dress, etc. 
Had a few minor issues but no biggie or setbacks. Time for recovery & all staff say I'm ahead of normal. 

Recovery report as of Wednesday:
 Recovery Report: surgery day plus 1, 2 & 3 were slow with walker. Day 4 was half & half. Day 5 (yesterday) was full day without walker & here today Day 6 still working it. Still stiff & slight limp but NO pain. Nothing fancy & still motivated with exercising & rehab & ways to go to get all parts to work together. Ah not bad 

Click this link below and watch how good he is walking..... SO much better than before the surgery!  Already!

Continuing South to, South Carolina, Jacksonville, and HOME

And so Tuesday morning we were in the car and on the road to South Carolina, again, by 8:00 AM.  Nothing unusual on the trip and just the usual stop for breakfast  ( this time Waffle House)  and gas.   We stayed at the Quality Inn, in Fort Mill, SC.  Again, nothing real fancy...but clean and comfortable, easy off/on I-77S and a Cracker Barrel within walking distance!  I'm not a big fan of Cracker Barrel, but I have to admit that the Chicken Fried Chicken, potatoes, coleslaw and fried apples were absolutely delicious!  We took goodies back to the room!!!

Wake-up call set for morning, filled the coffee cups and thermos, checked out, and on the road at 8:05 AM,  We would be making our way south to Jacksonville, FL.  This was a day full of traffic backups... starting on I-26E about 24 miles from the I-95 exit that went on for about 25 minutes!  We stopped at Flying J in St. George, SC for gas and breakfast at Denny's.  Nicest waitress, friendly and great service. Excellent!  Another traffic jam on I-95S, at 11:55 AM, and started moving and 12:29 PM! Finally made it to the FL/GA line at 2:16 PM

We stayed the night at the Quality Inn Airport in Jacksonville.  This is definitely a older hotel, that's had some renovation.  Again clean and comfortable.... but it was a long long walk to the front building in the morning for coffee.

Once again there were a whole lot of places for dinner that were not far away.
But we decided to get deliver from Sun Sun Garden.  We ordered a large Wonton Soup... Rich, the Chicken Lo Mein, and me the Sesame Chicken w/fried rice.   OMG!  This had to be the best Chinese Takeout we have ever had!   Big fans of Hibachi Grill's Buffett - but this was even better!

Thursday  was the final leg of the trip...... we were headed for home.  Just can get away from heavy traffic....   We went AROUND Jacksonville, instead of through the middle of the city..... but we still hit very heavy traffic on I-295.  It was however morning rush to get to work.   But I am always awed by the Dames Point Bridge, that crosses the St. John's River along I 295E,   And of course who ever travels through Orlando, almost 100% of the time will hit construction and heavy traffic.   This day was no different. 

Stopped at Mickey D's for a quick breakfast, for money at the bank in Sebring, the car wash......and finally at Publix to pick up enough food for dinner when we got home, and breakfast/lunch tomorrow, since the refrigerator was bare!

Finally home early afternoon.

Monday - South to Virginia, Crystal's 50th BDay

And so on Monday morning, we were up early, enjoyed a cup of coffee with Dieter and Helen, said our goodbyes, packed up and headed south to Harrisonburg, VA for the night.  We stayed at the Sleep in and Suites. Nothing fancy - but clean and comfortable.  Restaurants close by, so we walked to IHOP, where Rich enjoyed a Vanilla milkshake, and Blueberry Pancakes, while I enjoyed my first cup of coffee of the day, and an order of French Toast and sausage.

Wake-up call for 7:00 am... Dress, fill the coffee cups and the thermos, check out and head for South Carolina.

BUT - Today was our daughter-in-law's 50TH BIRTHDAY- so we had to send off our birthday greetings before we got on the road. Such a sweet, beautiful, lady.  We love her so much!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Time To Head South...

We were up early Saturday morning July 27th.  Most everything was already packed in the car so we were able to pack up, check out and be on the road by 8:00 AM.  The first leg of the trip was to make our way to our old home town of Elmira, where we would have our breakfast and pick up a dozen coffee sticks from Light's Bakery.  Light's Bakery has been in Elmira forever!!  And their coffee sticks have been our favorite since the 1970's!  This took us down through Cortland and Ithaca ( where I lived for a few years after high school, teaching dancing).  Love the area, especially Cayuga Lake in Ithaca where we used to go to  Tremane Park to go fishing at the southern end of the lake.   A few pictures from the trip.... and of the lake from Route 13 in Ithaca.

It was almost noon when we finally made it to Light's Bakery.  We did not stop all the way there, so we decided to have breakfast/lunch, while we were there. Eggs and Bacon and Toast.  Got our dozen coffee sticks and headed for Columbia Crossroads, PA to spend the weekend with friends.

 Of course, Rich could not wait........and ate two of the goodies before we got to PA.  We spent Saturday and Sunday with Dieter and Helen.  They have a nice home in an absolutely beautiful location. (Not sure I want that long driveway in the winter!).  We always like sitting on the porch, which covers both the front and side of the house.  Evenings and early morning you can often see the deer.  I didn't get a picture, but did see three of them in the front yard, Sunday morning.   And when we sit on the side of the house, where Helen has all her bird feeders, we watch the Finch and the Hummingbirds.   Saturday we had garlic pizza and gin and tonics!  Sunday we drove into Sayre, PA to Beamans for dinner.  Dieter and Helen are good friends with the Beamans - so yes.... we got excellent service.  Really nice menu......we all had something different... Beef Tips w/Rice for Rich, Shrip Scampi for Dieter, Country Fried Steak for me..... and Chicken and Biscuits for Helen ( which looked awesome).  Everything was excellent.

We said our good-by's and were on our way home about 7:30 AM on Monday.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 6 and 7 (The last 2 weeks) - Black Lake, NY

We kept hoping that the weather would be good for fishing, and that the fishing would get better.  Week 6  was about the WORST and we were getting pretty board..... doing Sudoku Puzzles.  If it was not raining, it was very very hot, and no breeze for drift fishing.  Normally the weather here is much cooler.........  We got out fishing just 2 days this week, Sunday and Monday, and caught a total of 11 fish.  Really, really bad week.

Well - we couldn't go fishing, so we took a ride to Ogdensburg, to Buster's for dinner mid week. This is really a sports bar, as you can tell from the TV's and the decor.   I had been here a couple of years ago with Cheri Rogers ( owner of Roger's Camps), but just for lunch.  Dinner was excellent.  They have a huge salad/soup/bread bar........ Rich ordered spaghetti and meatballs/salad, and I ordered the fish fry (Haddock).  And we both ordered dessert..... Rich ordered the peanut butter pie, and I had coconut cream pie. We really ate way too much!   But it was excellent.

And a little later in the week, Rich made us a pizza!  Half/ groundbeef and pepperoni (Rich), and for me sausage and pepperoni.  As always it was perfect!

Week 7 - our last week!  Well at least we were able to get out and do some fishing.  We were out on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!   Total fish caught for the week - 25!  I'm not sure what happened, but of those 25 I caught THREE fish!  Bad bad week.  Just not a good year for me.  When we left for home the total fish count was 321.  Rich - 193, Donna 128..........

This week was a bit cooler than the previous, with threatening skies, strong winds 11-13 mpr and rough waters.  But we had at least ONE pretty decent sunset!

Most of the fish caught were crappie or perch, but Rich did hook on to a couple of small mouth bass.  13 1/2", and a 2 1/2 lb,17 1/2" small mouth bass.  He did a little fishing off the dock the last few days.....but only a small perch.

Friday we spent a good part of the day, packing the car.  We would be up early on Saturday, to finish up and get on the road,so it was early to bed.  We enjoyed the stay (not as much as we usually do), but I think we were both ready to head for home.  Until next year.

Week 5 - Black Lake, NY

Week Five was a little bit nice and a little bit ugly!  In the area where our cabin is, there are 5 others ( 4 cabins and a mobile home).  3 of those 5 were inhabited by a "family".  They were all there for what appeared to be a family reunion.   This was cause for concern......and a royal pain in the "you know what"!  At one time I counted.... and found there to be 13 young children........who made a habit of running non-stop on and off the dock, and who had their inflatable  rafts tied to the dock, and despite the huge sign that read "NO SWIMMING ALLOWED" spent most of their time jumping off the dock and swimming. ( Which was a royal pain for the rest of us trying to maneuver our boats to and from the dock.  The adults were no better..... as they had they corn hole game going, those not playing set up their chairs in the middle of the road, where those of us going to and from our cabins had to find our way around.  And there was one couple who found it necessary to argue and scream at each other ....... in language I will not write in this post.   Needles to say - this ruined our entire week! 

As you are aware, I take pictures of everything........but I got NO pictures of this group! 

We did get out fishing on Saturday!   It was a pretty windy day and we were fishing near the bridge, north of the cabin.  Just before heading back in, this DRONE appears, and stops in mid air, about 25 ft away, and right in front of me.   Sorry, but I think that is so rude!   Monday we were back out.....not great fishing, but Rich did catch a Small Mouth Bass. Thursday - the weather was strange... rainy and a bit chilly and the lake and skies were almost black!   And on Friday we watched the groundhog in the yard!

And in week five we had a couple of very good meals ( actually all our meals are very good).   We did our fish fry again........It was my first time eating Walleye.... and I have to say it was very very tasty!  Even better than our crappie!  And on Saturday we ordered a pizza from Echo's!  Pepperoni and Sausage........and it was great!

Fishing was becoming more and more of a disappointment.  Yes, Rich caught a small mouth bass.......but not a keeper!  By the end of the week or fish count was at 285, with me falling more and more behind  Rich 165 and Me 120!

Weeks 3 and 4......Black Lake, NY

Week 3 and 4 were long weeks.  Cold or rainy, and windy weather that prevented any fishing... Week 3 we were able to get out on Saturday and Sunday.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were bad weather days, and then we were out for a while on Thursday and Friday.   Only 41 fish for the week!  Terrible!    But I love this lake!  And we did fix a fish fry one night, using up some of the Crappie..... and it was delicious!   So the only pictures I have to share are more choppy water and some from Wood Island and Wood Shoals.....were we fished on Thursday and Friday.

Week 4 was a little bit better, but still 3 days of bad weather and no fishing!   We cooked the Walleye this week.....WOW that was super delicious!  Watched the fireworks across the lake on the 4th.  One of the days we were out fishing we had stupid drone hovering over the boat, right in front of me...about 25ft away.  Pretty nosy if you ask me.......wish I could have shot it down. (Impossible, since we can't bring our gun to NY State!).

Picture below - (left)  caught this picture of the Amish fishing near the bridge, just a short ways north of our cabin.  (right)  later in the day as the storm headed in....foggy and could not even see the lake from the cabin.

During the week we had some absolutely beautiful views looking out from the screen porch at the cabin.  Just the way the sun was hitting the shoreline was magnificent.

We didn't do anything special for July 4th.....but we could see a lot of fireworks across the lake.  Unfortunately my little camera does not take good pictures of those!

Week 1 and 2 at Black Lake

WOW - It's been several weeks since I've been out here to post.  But our visit to NY has ended, and we arrived back home on Thursday the 1st of August.  It was a lot different this year, both the fishing and the weather........Here's a recap.

Week one had a few days that were were a bit dreary and cool, but by the end of the week the work crew could be seen at the docks getting boats ready and secure for the following day's storm.   And I had caught my biggest and longest fish, a 28" Northern Pike.  Rich also caught a northern, but much smaller.  Not a whole lot of fish for the week.....definitely not what we were used to catching here in NY... Total fish could 28, with both of us catching 14 each.

Week 2 was crazy but fun!  It started out on Saturday very windy and cold with temperatures in the 50's and winds at 10-20 mpr!  The lake looked more like an ocean, with some wicked waves.   The boats were taking a beating at the dock...and the water in our little row boat we were renting was getting a bit deep!  And on Sunday Rich got a new t-shirt for Father's Day and a phone call from Dennis!

Tuesday we headed out to Wood Shoal, Wood Island and Wood Shoal Island to fish and Rich caught an awesome  5.7 lb, 241/2 in Walleye...... which would make 2 delicious meals over the next few weeks.  Picture top left is County Rt 6/ Black Lake Road.........which we traveled a few miles down the road to Pleasant View.  Nice mini-golf course, cabin rentals, and a few spaces for RV's..... and there we enjoyed a Black Raspberry Cone for Rich and a dish of Butter Pecan ice cream for me.  Delicious!

On Thursday we headed over to Roger's Old Oak Camps, where we used to stay.  It was great to see Cherie Rogers, Gary and Karen, Paul and Monica, Bill and Linda, the Darby Brothers, and others that we had met and become friends with over the last 6 years.  It was a beautiful evening.  So glad we got to see them all before they left.  Hopefully we'll do it again next year!

And on Friday coming in to the camp there was a gorgeous sunset.

It was a good week for fishing.  Fish count up to 128.  Rich 71, Me 57!