Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dennis has Right Hip Replacement

For some time now, our son Dennis has had problems with both his back and his right hip.  Visits to the VA..... determined that surgery was necessary, and after several visits with different doctors, the decision was made... that the hip needed to be taken care of before the back.

On August 1st he headed to the Iowa City VA Hospital. On the road just after 5:00AM.  Crystal took the day off from work, and his step Dad, Jack flew in to stay with him for a few days after the surgery.  And he had so many family and friends thinking of him, praying for him, and sending well wishes!    We kept in touch by phone with Crystal throughout the day for updates, and Rich got to talk with him that evening.   He was out of surgery just after noon and Doctors reported that all went very well.   Here's what he had to say.............

Alive. Thanks everyone, nap.time! ğŸ’“

Ok not doing too bad. Surgery took over 3 hrs & then anesthesia recovery was quick & in room little after noon. Eating good, plenty of meds, company & great staff! I was able to walk with Walker to hallway & back & standing ok. I've heard I did & doing really great & may be released to home about noon tomorrow. 
I keep dosing on & off.


I'm home! Passed all my tests to be released. With walker, walked hallway, climb some stairs, stood solo each leg, got dress, etc. 
Had a few minor issues but no biggie or setbacks. Time for recovery & all staff say I'm ahead of normal. 

Recovery report as of Wednesday:
 Recovery Report: surgery day plus 1, 2 & 3 were slow with walker. Day 4 was half & half. Day 5 (yesterday) was full day without walker & here today Day 6 still working it. Still stiff & slight limp but NO pain. Nothing fancy & still motivated with exercising & rehab & ways to go to get all parts to work together. Ah not bad 

Click this link below and watch how good he is walking..... SO much better than before the surgery!  Already!

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