We both retired in May of 2006. For the first 6 years we were avid RV'ers and addicted to the game of Pickleball. In September of 2013 we sold the RV and bought a house on the canal to Lake June in Lake Placid, FL where we continue to meet new people and make new friends. Fishing is our favorite past-time now. THANK YOU to our families and friends, old and new, for making our retirement the best chapter in our life so far.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2020
November was just a VERY LONG month.....
And then it was Thanks Giving Day! This is a day that is usually quite festive. For the past several years our good friends, Nathan & Krystal (the Showalters) and Buddy & Dianne (the Douglas') have joined us, here at home, for Thanksgiving Dinner. Buddy always brings his homemade Coconut Cream Pie, and Sweet Potatos, and Nathan always brings the "adult beverages" and usually a vegetable to share. It's always a BIG deal, because Dianne can't eat Ham, and Krystal can't eat the desserts! ( Rich also has his pumpkin pies) So, as a rule we bake both a Ham & a Turkey along with all the regulars.... mashed potato/gravy, green bean casserole, biscuits, cranberry sauce.... and I always make sure I have made some Peanut Butter Cups ( fat free cool whip/peanut butter) in the freezer, so that Krystal has dessert!
This year, with the Chinese Virus it was just Rich and I. Just a small Turkey ( that was absolutely terrible!!!!!) mashed potatoes & gravy, sweet potatoes for me, green bean casserole.. and cheddar biscuits . It was over quickly...........and then there was the mess in the Kitchen to clean up!
We decided this year not to put up the big tree in the living room. I spent most of the day, Thanksgiving , getting a little Christmas Spirit. A small table top tree in the family room. my favorite Sleigh, with Reindeer filled with candy. A few splashes of color on the small mantel, the dining room and kitchen tables, and a few decorations on the front entryway.
I have to admit that we have been getting some very nice weather lately. The high humidity is gone, and we are getting some nice days anywhere from the 50's to the mid 70's ( colder at night). I am just loving it. Winter is definitely MY favorite time of the year hear in Florida..........Rich?.... well he dresses in several layers once it gets beloow 80! But it's so nice to have the sliders open during the day, and watch the birds in the back yard.
I have completed all of my shopping for Christmas. Package has been mailed to the family in Iowa. And gifts for brother Dave, and Rich's Brother Bob& Diane.......are scheduled for delivery. All of my Christmas Cards have been written and mailed. And this year we have cut back on the gifts and stocking stuffers. I have received MY gift........I asked for a Treadmill, and it arrived a week or so ago. Kind of hard to hide it from me..... so Rich finished the assembly about a week ago. And I am very very much enjoying it! Already dropped 4 lbs!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Great weather, Rich's Surgery, Backyard visitors
Well there is definitely not much going on here in Florida with the exception of the aftermath of the Presidential Election (General Election) is over. Not going to say too much, as I have rarely shared my political views on this blog! We are unquestionably Trump supporters, and we STRONGLY believe that our President should not concede given the crazy results; coincidently in the majority of battleground states. I am sharing one post, and one video and will leave it at that. My prayers are with our President every single day.
Once again not a whole lot going on. Even less than normal! Nothing real special to note in the kitchen. A few things......but it was mostly left overs or take out! Hot dogs with left over sloppy joe sauce. Very good! Chinese take out ( wonton soup, Chicken Lo Mein and Sesame Chicken, another batch of ham and potato soup, homemade pizza ( that small portion on the right is my portion, with NO ground beef!), and a batch of peanut butter cookies!
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Rich went in for his Carotid Artery surgery. That was back on the 22nd of October. Because of Covid-19 hospitals are very careful about letting people in that are not there for a reason. As such I dropped Rich off at Advent Health Hospital in Sebring about 7:45 in the morning. They would not let me in, and said they would call me periodically to let me know how things were going. And...........I could come and visit with him after surgery, after being in recovery, and once in his room. Got a call at 9:35 AM that he was not yet in surgery, doing arterial line.... and was in holding. Said they would call again when he was in recover, and again when his room was available. Second call came at 11:45, only to tell me he was still in surgery. Called at 1:35 to say he was in recovery, and would be for at least 2 Hours. Dr. Skipper called me about 2:00 to let me know that everything went OK, and this as long as everything OK overnight, he could go home on Wednesday.
Unfortunately, the room he was supposed to go to was temporarily given to a Covid Patient. Visitors are not allowed in Recovery, but one of the nurses called and told me I could come in and see him, since he was the only patient left in recovery. That was at 5:00 o'clock. 40 minute drive to the hospital from home, and he to leave him just after 7:00 when visiting hours were over. I was back to see him the next morning around 10:00 o'clock.............and he was finally released to come home mid afternoon. Went back on November 4th to get all the staples removed, and he is doing very well, with no restrictions! YEAH!
I surprised him with a pumpkin, chocolate chip cookie! I knew he would love that...... One of his Favorites!
Macaroni and Cheese in the oven for dinner tonight!
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Finally the Weather is Changing, Cooking/Baking and Yard Work
No a whole lot going one, which explains why it's been more than a month since I updated our Blog. Seems like the whole world is focused on this upcoming Presidential election............and I have to admit I am too! The hate and destruction going on is very very scary, the values we grew up with are being destroyed, including our Religious values. But that's enough of that! I have not missed one Trump Rally on TV.............and that always makes me feel better!
So! It's the same old same old..............Spending a lot of time in the kitchen! A few of our favorites in the last month: Baked Macaroni & Cheese (w a little leftover ham), Chicken with Rice and Black bean salsa, Rich made fried dough on weekend😋, Chicken Chili and homemade Cornbread, Chicken Fajitas w/ refried beans, Rich was back in the kitchen with his Mom's recipe for Potato Donuts. And last night after working in the yard..........we enjoyed home made Ham & Potato Soup! Delicious!
And rainy season? Well it seems it is FINALLY coming to an end! Given the huge number of hurricanes this year, we were extremely lucky. Nothing real serious at all here in Fl. It's been 4 or 5 years since we stayed here at home in the hottest part of the summer. ( And yes I would much rather be in NY state enjoying our time at the lake! ) Between the China virus, and the hot weather I am so sick of staying inside all the time... leaving the house only to see a doctor or buy groceries!!! But this last week has been a little bit better. Daily temperatures are down to the mid 80's! So yesterday we started to get some well needed work done in the yard.
We trimmed the topiary in the front yard, Cut palm tree branches, and worked on some of the shrubs along one side of the house and out near the mailbox, And then Rich sprayed the weeds in those areas. Still have 4 more palm trees that need branches removed, bushes in the back and the other side, and an area down near the canal that is way overgrown!
Speaking of the back yard!!!! Yes we need to get a lot of trimming done, but what is much worse, is the canal itself. In the summer the canals tend to get pretty weedy, and so the community always takes care of spraying the canals. They have done it every year since we moved here. Always well taken care of , clean etc. There has always been two houses on this canal that did not want the area near their yard sprayed..........and so it was not, but the rest of the canal WAS. This year both of the again asked that their area NOT be sprayed, but this year they decided they did not what Canal 5, which is ours to be sprayed at all. And so we are all fighting it, and a we've all signed a petition to get it taken care of. In the meantime we can see pretty much nothing but weeds, and they are so high that we couldn't get the boat out of the dock if we tried! Picture below show the back canal area..........and the three pineapple plants that we need to plant - once we get the back yard done!
So during this last month it's been back to the doctor for me, headaches, upper back pain, loss of appetite, 3 days in bed (almost around the clock). Had bloodwork done, had CT Scan done, but doctor had no idea what was going on...........and it all just went away! She thought maybe it was Covid- 19 (given the symptoms) She had me get tested for Covid about 3 weeks prior, and it was negative. She still thinks I had Covid and that we may have me checked for anti-bodies. In the meantime I'm feeling fine.....
Rich was tested for Covid 2 days ago along with urine sample, x-ray, and ekg, in preparation for his left Carotid Artery surgery on Thursday. He stopped taking so. me of his medication and vitamins as directed yesterday. Doctor told him that given his health and age, the chances for chance for stroke etc, with this surgery was still very low 0-20% , and that he would anticipate only one night in the hospital. The hospitals right now are still pretty strict on letting anyone in to see patients.......but I'm hoping I can be there for the surgery, and be able to see him afterwards.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Staying at home is getting pretty boring!!!!!
Rich was having a lot of pain in his back, a lot of which was from his crushed L-4. We think he may have also pulled a muscle. But he did see the doctor, had an x-ray done and was told to see Dr. Soni, his Orthopedic Surgeon.... He got another Epidermal Cortisone Injection which has helped a lot..... but still some paid. Scheduled for a follow-up in a couple of weeks.
We continue to spend more time in the kitchen,.... and with his back feeling a bit better he was ready to try out his new bread machine. Definitely easier and faster..... He made just one loaf, and was not real pleased with the results. A week or so later he went back to making his own...........and I helped with the kneading!
And, I think we only had takeout ONE time and that was Chinese takeout! But we had a few tasty dishes made at home as well. Fajitas, with re-fried beans and rice, Ham steak with scalloped potatoes and green bean casserole, Pork loin with red potatoes and carrots in the crock pot, and then just a simple cheeseburger on the grill with some homemade macaroni salad. Home made desserts were 2 pumpkin pies, and a chocolate pie.
There are absolutely no good programs on TV right now, except maybe America's got Talent... and that just one program, one night!! Normally this time of year I would be watching MLB........ I've always enjoyed watching our Tampa Bay Rays. With all the political garbage, taking a knee and disrespecting the flag and National Anthem.......a great majority of viewers have tossed sports (not college) like football, basketball and even NASCAR. But MLB was still pretty much accepted .........until Jacob Blake incident, when even MLB supported this rapist, and cancelled their game. I, and I'm sure a whole lot of other people have not watched a game since. This hatred and destruction needs to stop! But as long as Democrats, Big Companies, Hollywood and people like George Soros continue to fund Antifa and BLM and pay bale for all of them to get out of jail...........the rest of the world has to suffer.
Enough of that......some celebrations since my last post
Congratulations are in order for our grand-daughter Chauna and here Fiance, Ryan Foss. Family and friends gathered for the occasion on Iowa.....and Ryan got down on one knee and asked for Chauna's hand in marriage. Beautiful couple!
And Happy Birthday Wishes to my baby brother, Dave Benjamin. September 11th! Love you brother!
Friday, August 21, 2020
More of the same........
Just wish that this Chinese Virus would Go Away...........But anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that it will not happen...........not until after the Presidential election! Our far left Democrats will make sure of that!

Hope your day is extra special, Brianna Nelson.............and all your wishes come true!
Monday, August 3, 2020
Still in the Kitchen - Celebrating Birthday - Hurricanes - Ali gators - Politics
Saturday, July 18, 2020
More of the Same....Covid Tests!!!.
Some of the menu from the past couple of weeks.......... Rich made his yeast risen bread again, and a dish of potato candy. Besides daily leftovers... we enjoyed Linguine and Sausage, Cajun Shrimp Pasta, Grilled Beer Brats w/ macaroni salad, and last night we had Stromboli. Made beef stew just a few days ago..... but forgot to take a picture!! A week or so ago, I made up a batch of peanut butter cups..........I like those because I can enjoy one or two, knowing they are low calorie! Tonight we're doing baked stuffed pork chops, asparagus, and mashed potatoes.
The pineapple plants out back are looking real good. Not being up north this year, we'll be able to enjoy them. We usually tell the neighbors, or the lady that mows the lawn to take them when they're ready! Rich harvested the first one about a week ago. There are three more that should be ready very very soon! This one was delicious............and of course..... had to sample a piece while he was slicing it! The crown has been drying now for just about a week, so it's ready to be put in water to start it rooting. Then we'll replant it for next year!
Lots of rain, wind an losing power!
Another of our favorite past times, is watching the wildlife. We have a small gator that swims by quite often..... but haven't been able to get close enough to get a picture. And we have a couple of otters that swim by several times a week..........but it's almost impossible to grab a picture they are moving so fast! But I did manage to get a pretty good shot of one of the turtles across the canal. She's been digging holes and burying her eggs. And that's the Anhinga down on the dock. A most unusual pose.... usually has the wings spread, and the neck stretched ready to pounce!
Always lots of medical issues! And for the most part, despite the number of visits, the results continue to be pretty good. Rich (because of the smoking) had a CT scan of the chest done, and everything looks good. He's been trying to get the Carotid Artery Surgery scheduled, but with the Covid-19 issues.....a lot of these types of surgeries are not being done. Speaking Covid- 19, we've learned that our friend Krystal's sister and brother-in-law both were infected, and her brother-in- law came very close to dying. We just learned yesterday, that our son Dennis's step-sister and husband are quite sick, and are waiting for the results of their Covid - 19 test. And just two days ago, I went to the doctor, because I was having some bad pain in my neck and left jaw. While there, I also told him I was having head-aches, and sleeping 8-9 hours a night, and napping frequently during the day. He have me a steroid shot, and a prescription for an anti-bionic, and said I am showing symptoms of Covid-19, and should be tested. I am scheduled to have the test done on Tuesday next. Rich has been feeling some of the same, but not as much or as frequent as I have. But he'll have to have the test done as well, before he has the carotid surgery Good news is that if I do test positive for Covid... it will mean that how I feel right now, is the worst it will get..... and that's great news, given my age and underlying medical conditions. So now I'm kind of hoping it is positive!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Always Cookin, Saying Goodbye to Friends, Deans list, Father's Day
Of course I'm not going to forget to share a few pictures from our weekly dinner menu! Now I did cook a 9 lb Turkey this week, complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole....but when I got the camera to take a picture, Rich had pretty much completed the Turkey carving........and when we had left overs for hot Turkey Sandwiches..........I forgot to take a picture.. However below we have Chicken Chile w/Cornbread, Ravioli w/sausage, Chicken Fajitas w/refried beans and rice...........and a refreshing adult beverage!
Picture below is of our next door neighbors, Jim and Patty. WELL - they were our neighbors! Yes they have sold their house nextdoor, and will return full time to the other home in Englewood. We've so enjoyed having them as neighbors, and will truly miss not seeing them sitting on the dock fishing! This picture was taken in December 2018 when they came for dinner the first time! They were back in Lake Placid on Saturday, and took us to lunch at Golden Corral. Nice spending time with them...... and lunch was very good as well! We will miss them...........but Englewood is not that far away!
OH MY............I can't forget to share more good news! Deans List for the third year in a row for our grand daughter, Chauna! Good Job!
Chauna Donald named to University of Iowa dean's list for spring 2020 semester
June 11, 2020- Courses offered on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) or pass/non-pass (P/N) basis do not count toward graded credit for inclusion on the dean's list.
- Undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Engineering, the Tippie College of Business, and University College who achieve a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher on nine semester hours (spring 2020) or more of UI graded coursework during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of "I" (incomplete) or "O" (no grade reported) during the same semester are recognized by inclusion on the dean's list for that semester.
- Undergraduate students in the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine with fewer than nine semester hours (spring 2020) of graded credit, if deemed appropriate by the college.
- College of Nursing students participating in clinical courses who have a total of nine semester hours of earned credit (spring 2020), with eight semester hours of graded credit with a GPA of 3.50 or higher.