Rich and Dee were at the courts, so it was like 'old home week' with the five of us there from MeadowPointe. About 11:30 we headed back. I'm not sure how much reading Linda actually did ...........she looked VERY releaxed upon our return.
We both retired in May of 2006. For the first 6 years we were avid RV'ers and addicted to the game of Pickleball. In September of 2013 we sold the RV and bought a house on the canal to Lake June in Lake Placid, FL where we continue to meet new people and make new friends. Fishing is our favorite past-time now. THANK YOU to our families and friends, old and new, for making our retirement the best chapter in our life so far.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Visit From Good Friends
Rich and Dee were at the courts, so it was like 'old home week' with the five of us there from MeadowPointe. About 11:30 we headed back. I'm not sure how much reading Linda actually did ...........she looked VERY releaxed upon our return.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Off to Sun City Center
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Happy Hour at Our Place
Rich and Dee arrived here in Peace River a few days ago and were finally able to make it out to the pickleball courts yesterday (Monday). The weather was a bit crisp that morning; the temperatures dropping into the 40's overnight. So must of us were in our long pants and sweat shirts, but still ready to play. Most of the group went back and played again later in the afternoon - but we did an early dinner and Rich headed up to the clubhouse to shoot some pool. It was great seeing Rich and Dee again. It's been a while. When not out on the road in the RV, they often play with our MeadowPointe Group at home.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Despite the Weather - We have Fun, Food and Officially "Pickle" our newbies!
Anyway - by mid afternoon on Saturday - the cold front started to arrive; the breeze was a little cooler, the temperatures were falling. John and Shelly had planned a happy for early Saturday evening. The food was great, as usual. I think all RV'ers, and especially Pickleball RV'ers are great cooks and great happy hour hosts!
This morning - I headed out for my morning walk,(it was only 47 degrees!) and then we headed to the courts. We knew it was going to be cold this morning, so everyone decided we wouldn't start play until 9:00. Our new player George- had to head out this morning, but wanted to play "just one more time"!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Peaceful Afternoon Stroll
Signs along the way direct you to the various trails around the park and tell you the distance for each trail.
As we entered the park there are two trails. One to the left........................
The other on the Right ..............Guess I better follow Rich!

The rain only lasted a minute or we continued along the way.
Several markers, like this one appear along the paths. When you walk this trail in the early morning you often see the turkey vultures nestled above in the trees.
Yes - alligators and snakes are just part of the natural Florida habitat.
Always have to stop by this tree. Amazing. I'm sure several animals find there way here. The was one of our dog Beau's favorite places to visit. He always loved walking this trail.
One of the places along the trail where you can stop and enjoy nature at it's finest.
From the above resting area is where we often see Stumpy, the neighborhood alligator sunning herself on the log on the other side of the river. She was named Stumpy, because she is missing one foot. As hard as this may be to believe - there is now a Stumpette. Yes a smaller gator with the same foot missing. Everyone who walks this trail, does so in hopes of seeing one of them enjoying the afternoon sun.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Happy Hour at Travis' Place
Friday, October 9, 2009
We've arrived at Peace River
Any way, there are a few pickleball players in the park, and we did go down the last couple of mornings to play. The air is thick, the sun is hot - and since the courts are still facing in and east/west direction - the sun on one side of the court prevents you from seeing the ball. Pickleball players still find a way to have a good time.
This is Buddy and Jack (His name is John - but everyone calls him John)
Most of you reading this Blog know Travis Weaver!! Here he is will Shelly Zukas. Her husband John also plays, but was not at the court today.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tampa Bay Senior Games
Click on picture to enlarge - use back arrow to return to this page.
He played with Linda Kramer in the mixed doubles. They have not played together since last year when they took the Gold in the Heartland Games and Lee County Games. They got to practice together for a couple of days when Linda visited with us. Today they played very well. Like the doubles they made it through the age bracket without losing a game, but lost in the final match again Pepe (The Villages) and his partner from Plantation (Leesburg). They looked great on the courts.
Monday, October 5, 2009
We Both Medal at the Pickleball National Games
The day began with men's and woman's doubles competition, followed by the mixed doubles play. Each team played the best 2 out of 3 games to 11 points, win by 2. The losing team moved to the losers bracket, with a chance to come back for the gold playing one game to 15, win by 2, and then the final match which was the best 2 out of 3 to 11 points.
Rich and his partner Bob Huskey from Opelika, AL, took the gold medal in their division. Bob is only 59, so Rich had to play down in 55-59 age bracket. They defeated all teams in both the 55-59 and 6o-65 age brackets in pool play to be seeded number one in the championship games. They had never played together before. Bob has his own courts, but not many players at home in AL, so he practices with his ball machine. Great Job Guys!!!
ME - well I went with Rich to the games to help Nancy and David - and of course with my camera. They were in need of one more player, so I agreed to play. In the woman's doubles 55-59, I teamed up with Nancy Jordan. We lost both of our games in the pool play, but ended up with the Bronze Medal. The picture is of Marth and Laurie who are from Arizona and two of the best woman players I have met. Laurie loves to train an coach players almost as much as she likes to play the game, and she spent a lot of time working with me. Her help definately paid off. Most of you are used to hearing Rich and I talk about "Coach Mo" --- well Laurie is a female "Coach Mo". I will definately look her up when/if we get out to Arizona! Not hard to tell we were having a great time!! BFF as Nancy would say!
Linda Kramer wasn't able to make the Nationals, so Rich teamed up with Roxanne Ware from Texas. Like his doubles partner - they had never played together before. The picture above is the group of mixed doubles players inthe 60-64 age bracket. It took them a few games to get used to playing together. They lost a couple of their games in the pool play, but got on track for the championship games taking the Silver Medal.
Roxanne is the lady in the middle in the front row (yellow shirt).
There championship game for the gold/silver was the last game of the night, ending after 10:00 pm.
The picture above is David and me, Tom and Coach Laurie, Nancy and Greg.
We met so many great people from across the country over the past four days and had a wonderful time. We would love to make the USAPA Nationals in Arizona - but afraid that's not in the budget this year!!
Rich had a waffle and I had a bagel early in the morning - and nothing but a banana and a few chips to get some salt back in the body. It was nearly 11:00 when we stopped at subway to pick up dinner on our way back to the hotel. We needed a good nights sleep. Sunday we were leaving early to get back to Wauchulla to get our 5th wheel out of storage. We were not looking forward to the long day ahead.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday and Friday at the Championship Games
Thursday we were back at the courts for the men's and woman's doubles pool play. I wasn't able to get a lot of pictures of Rich and Bob playing, because at the same time I was playing my matches with Nancy Jordan. I think Nancy and I won one of our three games, while Rich and Bob did great winning all of their games - so they will for sure be seeded number one in their matches on Saturday. By the time we finished on Thursday - it was 1o:00 pm. We had not eaten since breakfast, so we stopped at Publix and picked up a six pack and two subs at subway. By the time we called it a day - it was after midnight.
The singles matches were finishing up the first thing on Friday morning. We arrived back at the courts around 11:15 . Mixed doubles pool play started at 12:00. Rich and Roxy won two of their five games, but of the games that we lost was 15-14 - so close. I partnered with David Jordan. We only had to play two games today - Won one and lost one. Great game 15-14! It did rain a little bit in the afternoon which delayed play, but only for about 30 or 35 minutes. The games finished and we were back to the hotel by 4:30
Tonight was player appreciation night. At 7:30 we all met poolside at the Hyatt Bonaventure, in Weston, Fl, which was the host hotel for the National Games. The finger food that we thought we were having turned out to be a great buffett, Turkey, gravy, squash, biscuites, salad, ziti, ravioli etc. and we each had two free drinks of our choice. The food was great, the hotel and pool was beautiful, the weather was perfect. It was a great night just getting to sit and talk with new found friends. We had a great time.!
Back on the courts tomorrow for the championship matches. Best two out of three. Will let you know how we make out!! Wish us luck!!!