I know some of you from out there in Michigan check out this Blog once in a while - and those of you in the Hartland, Michigan area will recognize these two. They are spending winter for the first time in Florida - and we hope our unusually cold weather will not deter them from coming again. This is Phil and Judy Dobby.
You'll recognize these two for sure - Where there is a pickleball tournament taking place you will usually find Nancy Meyer and Cindy Eddleman who just relocated from the Ft. Lauderdale area to Ft. Myers.
This is Ron and Marie Smith. We met this couple for the first time two years ago when we were staying at The Villages. I (Donna) played with them most mornings at the Churchill Street Rec Center. What is so funny is that. I had forgotten their names and over the past few months Ron and I have been e-mailing each other back and forth as he and Marie have been working hard to get pickleball started in Cape Coral. You can imagine how surprised I was when Ron came up to me at the tournament and we began talking about pickleball at his church!! I will never forget their names again. They'll be at The Villages again this summer - July and August. Hope we see them again.