Can't believe it's been since last Friday since we've updated our Blog. The forecast was for rain (what's new?) for Saturday, so we were packed up early and on the road back to Peace River. Getting the RV back into our site was crazy. When we parked it there the first time, no one else was on the row. This time it was like threading a needle!! But we made it, thanks to a little help from Kevin and Linda - our neighbors.
The weather has continued to be quite cold - but we've both managed to get out and play a few games of pickleball. There is a whole new group of players here now - and we were real surprised to see John and Carla back!! They were heading out of Florida, but the closing on their new home here in Florida was delayed back they came.
On Tuesday we were invited over to Torrey Oaks for a small happy hour. Bob (the Clown) and Lavern, and Lee and Judy would be heading out in a few days so Sally wanted to get the group together before they left.

Click on picture to enlarge - use back arrow to return to this page: What's nice about getting together at Torrey Oaks is being able to use their lounge if the weather is bad. And today it was cold. Above are pictures of the group enjoying the evening.

Click on picture to enlarge; use back arrow to return to this page: That's Rich and I in the center of the photo above, surrounded by friends that we always look forward to seeing and spending time with. Clockwise from the top left: Dean and Marge we just met this year, and Dean is going to be another pickleball fanatic just like Rich. Next is Bob and Lavern - better known as "the clowns". Next is Jim and Jane. We met them here in Peace River two years ago. After traveling just about the entire US - they have decided to turn in the Motor Home and return to their home and family back in England. They will truly be missed. And the next is Faye (Ken was home sick with a cold) with Joe (Cis had another engagement). Then our super hostess - Miss Sally..........and finally Lee and Judy. If you know Lee and Judy...........then you MUST know Nicky - their beautiful standard poodle

I had to keep this picture. I can't imagine what Rich is saying that has caught the attention of everyone in the room......Actually - I think he's trying to look serious and telling that joke again about either "the blue guy" or the "rectal floss!" Enough said!
Since Wednesday would be Rich's birthday, and Thursday would be Jane's birthday, it only made sense to celebrate at the happy hour.
Jane and Rich - enjoying the moment. This is the second year that the two of them have celebrated together.
On to the CAKE................and
We do make a big deal of these things don't we? Their smiles tell the whole story!

Happy B-Day DAD! We Love and Miss Ya! Glad Life is good! D, D, C & C!