Since we were away for the tournament the past several days, this was the last day he could visit with us before heading back home to Davenport Iowa.

Time just seems to fly by whenever he's here, and today was no different. Most of the day we just sat around and talked. Caught up with news about the grand-kids and Krystal. Just before 11:00 he and his Dad headed out in the golf cart for Dunkin Donuts. Rich goes there several times during the week. Mostly guys - pickleball players who do a little trivia and solve the problems of the world. over a cup of coffee.
Denny caught up with Rich in the bedroom, at the computer and learned a little bit about the stock market, trading and financial management 101! I on the other hand introduced him to a little Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey - one of my favorite new beverages!
It was off to Golden Corral for dinner where there's always a little bit of everything. If you can't find something you like - you're just not hungry!
And then it was time to say good bye...
Have a safe trip home
We Love You, Dennis
Thank You Dad & Donna! It was great to spend a few precious hours with you! Miss you & Love You! XO