It has been another week or so of constant WORK...... and it seems like the more we do, the more we find to do. As for leaving the house, it's either to make a trip to Home Depot for wood, ( and we even grabbed dinner at Hibachi on one of those trips!), to the local hardware store for plastic wood, top soil, peat, nails, river rock, or a drill bit..............( and of course you never need them all at the same time!), a trip into town to pick up Chinese takeout, or Subway, or ordering Pizza from Pizza Hut - because I'm too tired to cook, to the grocery store because we're out of coffee or goodies, or another trip to the doctor's office. (And since I finished the medication, the Rosacea seems to be getting worse, so I'll need to schedule another visit soon. And I gave Rich the telephone number for the Chiropractor just the other day.
As for the Rosacea - I am trying to see if there are certain foods that trigger it. I know that alcohol. spicy food, hot drinks and hot (temperature) food, sun, humidity, cold, wind, as do stress and heavy exercise. Obviously not all of them for all people - but I have not figured out mine yet. I've cut back on coffee, and what I do drink, I let cool down before I drink. Except for two glass of wine on Thanksgiving Day, I have had NO alcohol since a couple of shots of Cinnamon Whiskey at Nick and Tonyia's back the end of October. I try to work outside when it's not the hottest time of day, and wear my hat, and try not to get to winded helping carry wood and supplies up and down the hill out back. As for food? With the exception of fruit or salad or a sandwich.............what do you eat for dinner that is not HOT.........either spicy or in temperature???? Not enjoying this at all!
Anyway, I have managed to get the first coat of pain on the deck, before it rained! Yes, we finally had one day of good rain........the first we've had since the end of October! Now that it's all painted the same color - it looks so much better.

Rich continues to be busy, either power washing or working on the boat house. He had to remove and replace all of the supports along the seawall before he could replace the floor boards. (I was so nervous with him standing in the water using the saw or drill!!). He still wants to do something with the top of the storage bin out there........but other than that, he just has a little more power washing to do, and then it has to set for 30 days before he can paint. Almost got the power washing done today - but he ran out of gas before he could finish. He did get the concrete blocks in the back power washed again, along with some along the front/side, today, and as long as it does not rain tomorrow, he'll plan on putting the sealer down this weekend. The dock is really looking good.

And while on one of the trips to Home Depot for wood....I hustled to the other side of the store to pick up a couple of bags of River rock, and a couple poinsettias for Christmas decorating........while he was getting his wood! So yesterday I got the tree up, and a few decorations in the kitchen, family room, dining room, bath and front porch.
Tomorrow, Friday, Miss Ava will be coming for a visit. Nathan and Krystal are taking a 7 day cruise - so we will have her until next Saturday. We are so looking forward a week long "dog fix"!
We will have her back again for a week or so in January while Krystal is in the hospital for surgery.
A recent e-mail from her:
Hi all. After a year of seeing specialists and ruling out many scary diseases like ALS, Muscular Dystrophy and Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, I am at the place that the doctors feel confident they know what is going on. Fortunately, they are confident that some of the medical issues I have can be resolved. Unfortunately that means I need to have surgery on January 6th. I have Chiari Malformation and they will be doing surgery on my head/skull/brain so they can open up space for my brain. I will be in the hospital for a minimum of 1 week in Orlando and then recovery time of 6-8 weeks...................................................... I am hoping Miss Ava can stay with you and Rich during the surgery time. I would also love all the positive energy, prayers and light and love that you all can send me. I feel a peace overall about the surgery and I am excited that this should have me feeling so much better in a few months."
So - while we enjoy having Ava - we wish it were under better circumstances. But we are happy that we can help in some small way. We will keep her in our prayers, and hope that anyone reading this will do the same.