We both retired in May of 2006. For the first 6 years we were avid RV'ers and addicted to the game of Pickleball. In September of 2013 we sold the RV and bought a house on the canal to Lake June in Lake Placid, FL where we continue to meet new people and make new friends. Fishing is our favorite past-time now. THANK YOU to our families and friends, old and new, for making our retirement the best chapter in our life so far.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pickleball, Pot Luck, and Halloween Treats!
Above left to right - Nate, Krystal, Ray and Don, Rich, Dee and in the back is Stan and Ken from Torrey Oaks, Center is Rich, Dee, Don and Stan with an after the game discussion. Bottom left is Nate and Krystal, and the last is Rich and Don, Sally and Buddy. ( This camera just does not take good pictures in the dark)
Watching or waiting to play is (top left) Stan, Ken and Krystal. Dee had seen enough flashes for the night so grabbed my camera to make sure my face got posted this time! Next is Linda (the new couple) and Linda (of our friends Don and Linda). Sally always gives a great smile for the camera. Arik and Rich are back at the table. We had fourteen out playing under the lights tonight!!
Not quite as many out to play on Friday morning - but enough for two courts to stay busy. Late Friday afternoon we planned a happy hour back at our site. These days with the courts being lighted, happy hour starts at 4:00 or 4:30. This way we have time to eat, drink and be merry before we head to the courts at 6:30 to exercise off what we've eaten. Today was no exception.
Everyone has arrived and the lines have started at the food tables!Above from left to right: Rich and Dee, Ray and Linda, Nick and Tanya, Shelties Cheyanne and Dakota and their mom and dad Don and Linda.
As long as you followed the tradition of saying "Trick or Treat" you were allowed to take a "treat" from her bag of goodies. Thanks Sally!!
And by 6:30, everyone had left, changed into their pickleball attire and were out on the courts, once again playing under the lights.
Monday, October 25, 2010
More Old Friends Return to Peace River
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Little Bit of History - A Few Great Memories

Geoff Bodine, Nascar stardom in the modified division, Eileen Collins who in 2005 was the first woman to pilot a space shuttle and command a space flight. And there was Ernie Davis, the star running back for Syracuse University and the first Black man to receive the Heisman Trophy. You all know Brian Williams of NBC news. He and I both grew up on the same street!!!! Then there was the Underground Railroad - and John W Jones, whose home in Elmira was the major stop between Philadelphia and Ontario and where he aided the escape of 860 runaways. Mark Twain also lived for a while in Elmira back in the later part of the 19th century and there is an octagonal shaped study that was given to him as a gift when he lived at Quarry Farms, that is located on the grounds of Elmira College.

to name a few. Rich and Denny caught many a foul ball in this park.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Happy Hour with some new friends.
This is Nick - Preparing some "finger food" to munch on before dinner. Absolutely delicious smoked and spicy sausage. And the evening was only going to get better. From left to right and top to bottom: Diane, Lee and Pete. Diane had made some delicious dip for nachos - mild and hot and did up a real big batch of Sangria. We have seen Lee, waved and said hello before, but tonight was the first time we met officially. Husband Pete works in the park. Steve and Cindy . Just returned today from a trip to North Carolina, exhausted but made a mean batch of peanut butter/cranberry brownies. Jenny and Bill - Great Onion Casserole! Diane's husband Chuck joins her and Lee at the table. That's Nick's wife Tanya, with Jane, Marie and Bill. Marie and Bill have joined our happy hours in the past so we had met them before. And many of you know Joy and Ranger Rich.
After dinner everyone just gathered around the campfire and faught off the mosquitos. A little bug spray, and bring the bug zapper closer and all was well.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dinner at Pauls Kitchen
Around the dinner table tonight: (the men) Jack, Matt, Rich and Rich! and (the woman): Diane, Connie, Donna and Dee. As usual everyone's dinner was excellent ( once I got rid of the mushrooms from the Chicken Stirfry and Rich (of Rich and Dee) stopped gasping after his dinner plate included a slice of RED tomato!!!!! ......... and most of us had enough to take home for another meal. Tonight was Matt and Connie's last night here at Peace River . They're off to TT Orlando..........and to see Mickey!! A lot of laughter around the table tonight . To Be continued at the pickleball courts at 6:30.
Arriving at home at turning on the PC we got this picture and e-mail from our son. Dennis left Iowa on October 17 for a week at at Fort Drum, NY. Looks like he found a Friendly's Restaurant - one of our favorite places to visit when we lived in NY.

From Dennis to his Dad! Does this Jim Dandy bring back memories? Hehe
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Happy Hour Number 1
At 4:30, with our chairs and beverages and a dish to pass we all arrived at the site of Jack and Diane Koons. Seated around the "conversation circle" is.................
Matt and Connie.........our newest happy hour couple! Welcome to your first pickleball happy hour...........
John and Carla - taking a break from working on that new home down in Venice/Northport(?) and here for a few good days of pickleball.
Brenda and Buddy - Full Time Peace River Family .....and love those sausage meatballs!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Wesley Chapel and the Meadow Pointe Crew
Here is Richard, Don, Rich and John. Richard is the newest of our group, having only played a couple of times before tonight - but hooked on the game he's already considered one of the "regulars".
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pickleball Fun at Kings Point, Sun City Center
Friday, October 15, 2010
Main Street Wauchula - Friday Night Live
Once a month, Main Street is closed, the vendors come out and the residents and visitors to the area come out from 5:00 to 9:00 for fun, dancing and entertainment. This month the theme for the night was "Pumpkins in the Park", appropriate, given the time of year and the nearing of Halloween.

The Pumpkin Patch.......
And there were more of the crew from PeaceRiver at Friday Night Live tonight. - That is Don, Connie, Gloria, Brenda, Buddy, Rich and Matt. We just met Matt and Connie for the first time - Matt learned to play pickleball out in Texas - and so he's been on the courts playing. We're hoping to get the other three out for some beginner lessons this weekend.
And then there were more............Many of you will recognize Dawn - from the office at Peace River and her husband Ranger Tim! That's Dawn's son, Cory with them. Dawn and I did get to do the electric slide before the night was over!!
And where is Rich? Yes that's him again - this time with a HUGE funnel cake.

THREE FOR THIRTY THREE!!!! Ok - There was this other vendor selling Simple Salsa Seasoning. We stopped by tasted a sample, which was very good - and decided that we may stop back and buy a can before we left. You add the seasoning to one can of petite diced tomatoes and VOILA - you have Salsa! Each can sells for $15 or TWO for TWENTY FIVE. We told Matt and Connie about it - and then went and bought a can for $15. Gloria thought she'd like a can. Dee and Rich went over to sample it and they thought they'd like a can. So Rich and Dee, with support from Matt, went back to the tent and started to bargain. Would they sell THREE for THIRTY THREE? After a little laughter and a little more discussion - they agreed!!! So we all went home with Salsa! If we have a Happy Hour one day soon - I'm afraid we'll be eating a lot of chips and Salsa!!
Friday Night Live - Main Street Wauchula in November is Wauchula Idol! They say to bring your lawn chair - and get a seat early!!