Below, everyone lines up for or settles in to enjoy the food table, Silly Willy pouts because the line isn't moving, and Hedy stops to chat with Karen. Tom cooked up a great Port Barbecue, and everyone brought their dish to share, including salads, slaw, macaroni and cheese, ziti, appetizers, and some great desserts!
Karen - ever the friendly hostess stops to chat with Diane, Krystal and Nate smile for the camera, Nell, Barry, Donna and Gene chat with their neighbors, and Tom and Karen's Gambling Buddies settle in to enjoy the meal.
I'm sure I didn't get everyone - but below we have another group picture that includes new folks: Rich and Art, Garth and Rosemary, Keith and Marie, new pickleball player(can't remember their names!), Bob and Lavern (the clowns) Edie and Big Al and Merlin and his wife. AND.....Tom finally breaks away from cooking and stops to chat with Buddy.

OK - So far not much different than any other Happy Hour, Right! WELL!!!
Let's move on to the entertainment for the evening. Below, Krystal snaps her picture and Rich smiles as Prince Edward Island's, Garth and Rosemary Matthews give praise to Art,our oldest pickleball player and to their "claim to fame: - to be able to play like Rich! They are both singers/songwriters and tonight they entertained us with the Peace River Pickleball Song, The RV Song and Garth's beautiful tribute to his father.

And then the magicians took to the floor. Lavern shared her newest "decapitation" trick and Merlin did about a 1/2 hour magic show for everyone. While each trick was entertaining - I think those in attendance will agree that the most memorable would be changing the tangerine into the peach!! Following the magic acts were jokesters Bob (Silly Willy) and Garth! If ever you run into Garth ask him to tell you the joke about the tractor that broke down..............

And the night was still not over! About 11 of us headed to the pickleball courts and played under the lights until AFTER 9:30!!!
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