Monday, April 30, 2012

It was a very busy Saturday.....

My time working in the store here at Peace River is winding down - and just when I thought the season was slowing down.........I had one of my busiest days all year. I only had to work Friday and Saturday this past week, but Saturdays I work the store alone.

This Saturday we had more than 100 cars of "fossilers" parked back near the river.   With boats and shovels and screens the fossil club, Pac 312 of the local girl scouts and a group of hiking boy scouts were all shelling in the River.   I would have loved to get some pictures of a couple of hundred of them in the river - but by the time I left at 3:30 in the afternoon, I was only able to catch a couple of dozen still wading and having fun..
But at the very least, I was able to get some pretty good pictures of the river.

Coming back from the River, I saw Rich standing outside of Tom and Karen's motor home, so stopped by to say hello.  We met Tom and Karen here in Peace River five years ago and this was the first time we've seen them since then.  When we first met, we still had Beau and he and their female beagle were best of friends.  We were surprised that Princess was still with them.  And I was glad I had my camera because she gave Rich and I  a perfect greeting!

 She is now 17 years old and suffers from dementia - but she is still a beautiful little girl !

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