The afternoon would be BUNKO at the Seabreeze Recreation Center. All the rec centers here in The Villages are absolutely beautiful inside and out - and the decor of the Seabreeze Center is nautical.... Before we went in to play with 85 other Bunko enthusiasts and spend our $5...... I caught a picture of Tonyia..... We had a great time...........but neither of us went home money winners today...

Leave it to Nick and Tonyia to come up with yet another great idea for our evening out on Saturday. We headed over to Kissimmee for the Dinner and Show at Capone's. If you have never been there - put it on your list of things to do/places to see. The show takes place is what appears to be a speakeasy....
Nick had made the reservations and made sure we got a great table for four with a perfect view of the stage. But before we were escorted to our tables we were invited to go upstairs for the first of or "bootleg spirits". You are greeted by and waited on by true "Chicago style" gun bearing and gun waving gangsters with an attitude. There was a lot of "How Ya Do'in," and "Get Outta Hear". You have to purchase your first alcoholic beverage - and then for the rest of the night - it's all you can eat and drink...... You also get some poker chips should you want to join in at the table where they are playing Black Jack.

Downstairs at our table, our glasses were refilled (except for Nick - he was our designated driver) we enjoyed a great buffet dinner with everything from turkey and stuffing and tons of Italian - lasagna, ziti, spaghetti, pizza ---- the works. The entertainers mingled with the audience and we got some pictures. Baby Face was our "gangsta waita". We got some great pictures of Bunny,(bottom left) and Jewel (with Bunny - bottom right). Jewel was the hostess, singer and MC for the evening and Bunny played a great role as a lovable but ditsy blond, recently married to "Fingers" Salvatorio ( pictured center with Tonyia and I), a silly mobster with a great voice. An Rich really looks like he's having way too much fun with those two "blonds".

It was a very entertaining evening of song and dance, a lot of audience interaction and great stand-up comedy, but it was after midnight by the time we got back and settled in for the night! Nick and Tonyia headed back to Peace River this morning. We'll see them and the rest of our RV friends in a couple of weeks.