Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cheerio, Bon Voyage! We'll Miss You!

Saying goodbye to friends isn't usually too hard......because you know that you're going to meet up with them again soon. Maybe in a couple of weeks, maybe just another month, but certainly sometime over the next year. After six years visiting 49 states and 10 Canandian provinces, Jim and Princess Jane have decided to give up the RV life . They have sold their motor home, and in just about a week - they will set sail with fellow friends for their home and family in England. If you have spent any time at all at the TT Park in Peace River - you have surely met Jim and Jane. We met them here three years ago; they will always be remembered by their Peace River Family.

They were late arriving to Peace River, and we have been busy with pickleball tournaments over the last month or so, and have only seen them a couple of times. But today we invited a few of the remining RV'ers to our place for one last "good bye" happy hour.
Here are some pictures to enjoy:

Jim and Jane get hugs from everyone as they arrive. That's Cis getting hers from Jim, and below Joe, Tom and Margie arrive.

Posted by PicasaCis, Joe, Ken, Stan and Sally. Stan's hands are going - must be telling a big tale!!
Well - This is Jane and Rich.....................just being Jane and Rich!!!
Rich, Dee and Mary. Jim and Jane recently met Mary and Ken only to find out they were almost neighbors back in England. The four of them will be sailing together back to England.
About time to eat. Rich says the hot dogs are just about ready! Tom, Margie, Jim and Buddy. Tom and Margie couldn't stay to eat, as they had already made dinner plans with visiting relatives. Glad they could stop by for a short while.
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Dogs are ready!! Great food today. To accompany our hot dogs we had some scoops and dip, crackers and cheese, Buddy' sausage balls, meatloaf, goulash, three bean salad, potato salad and Jim's stuffed jalepeno peppers.
Ken, Joe, Sally and Cis - grab a shady seat at the table.
Rich and I had planned a game for everyone to enjoy after dinner. Since everyone attending was a pickleball player we elected to do a little "pickleball trivia". Some of the questions were typical pickleball - but sprinkled in there were some facts about our pickelball friends - like:
What pickleball player spends as much time panning for sharks teeth as she does ont he pickleball court? or.....Jim and Jane will be leaving us and setting sale for what destination? ( I know, - but it was important to include some questions that would keep more players in the game a little longer) . What two pickleball players share their birthday and birthday cake together every year in February? For those of you who were not there this year - it's Rich and Jane! What pickleball couple deserted their friends at Peace River to buy a lot at Torrey Oaks. ( Yes - there were multiple answers for this one - and everyone got the answer correct). Or what Peace River Pickelball Players was the ONLY one to bring home a medal from the Collier County Pickleball Senior Games. No - it was NOT Rich - It was our friend Buddy!!! .
And the winners are? Taking first place and the "gold medal key ring- was Stan, Only a mother could love that smile!!! Second place and taking the "Silver medal key ring" was Joe. And the third place award of $2 off his next order at Perkins was Buddy. Congratulations Guys!!!! Great Job!!
Following the pickleball Trivia, we presented Jim and Jane with a Good Bye Card and a cake. ( We missed Krystal, Nathan, Austin and Arik tonight......but they had an opportunity to visit with grandchildren... But the cake they sent was beautiful!! and we saved them a piece!!) Saying goodbye is always difficult. I get all choked up - so I had to make it quick. Above - Jim did the same.....
The cake was delicious!!!

Posted by PicasaJim and Jane - we will truly miss both of you. We wish you the safest of travels, and much fun and enjoyment as you begin the next chapter in your life - with children and grandchildren. We will think of you often - and look for your return to the States one day.


  1. Great pictures Donna! Lots of familiar faces for sure. Looks like lots of water in PR these past few days. We are in New Orleans but leaving for Red Bay in the morning. Hope to see you in Florida next winter.

  2. You did us proud, thank you so much for all the fun we have had on and off the court.xxxxxx
