Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Simply Beautiful

We've posted pictures of ducks so many times here on our Blog - but I have to do it one more time.  Most often we'll be sitting on the lanai with morning coffee when  we hear the chattering of the ducks as they land in the water or the yard or on the boathouse.  But the other day you would have thought they were filming a movie in the backyard.  Instead of "The Birds" it would have been titled "The Ducks".  Rich counted over 100 ducks that morning perched on the roofs of our neighbors boat houses.

A closer view and you can see they were not only on the roofs, but also roaming in the yard.

And last night as I was preparing dinner Rich called to me to look out the kitchen slider.   My hands were full as I'd just put the shrimp in the sause for I quickly got the camera for Rich. 

Here's the picture he took from the inside, looking out. 

He then took the camera outside - and this beautiful bird did not get scared or try to fly away!  So Rich shot a few more pictures. 

Simply Amazing!  Simply Beautiful!

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